Monday, July 28, 2008



Tired and Frustrated by your Snail-Like PC?
Discover How To Make Your Computer Run Faster Without Buying Any New Software Or Hardware – Guaranteed!
Who Else Wants A Computer that Starts Fast, Runs Fast, and Stays Fast?
"I have noticed so much improvement in my computers performance and speed. Your site needs to be known by everyone!"
Thanks, Kathryn HallDate: 20 February 2008 12:26

From: Tiit Raag Computer Speed Up Expert

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var year=mydate.getYear()
if (year "+dayarray[day]+", "+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+"")

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Dear Frustrated PC Owner,
Forget about road rage - ever heard of computer rage? How many times have you been tempted to hurl your computer across the room after your system just crashed? Perhaps you settle for shouting a few choice obscenities at the monitor.
Trust me, I gave the term "potty mouth" new meaning whenever my computer would freeze up unexpectedly. Or crash completely. Usually in the middle of an important email or report due the next day. Call it Murphy's Law I guess.
It's every computer users worst nightmare.
Even if you have a relatively new machine, it doesn't take long for corrupted files to build up and "clog the valves." Pretty soon your shiny new Dell or HP State of the Art is sputtering like it's 10 years old and on PC Life Support.
On top of this - the Virus Death Squads come along and bring your computer to a screeching halt. Virus writers love to target weakened computers.
Necessity is the Mother of Invention
Here's what really takes the cake - losing files. Ever lose your family photos, favorite MP3 downloads or text documents that took hours to write? I have. Infuriating is one word that comes to mind. About the only one I can include in this letter!
Losing an entire album of digital photos I took vacationing with my girlfriend was the last straw. Not only was I upset - she was totally pissed! After all, I was the computer brain in the family. Sure, I would save the pics on my PC and email them to her.
Never happened. While re-installing my dead slow Windows I forgot to back them up to a safe location...
Important: You will ALWAYS lose some important files and settings when re-installing Windows. Therefore you should postpone this as long as possible, preferrably forever. Don't worry, I'll show you exactly how to do this later in this letter.

I'm still in the doghouse over those lost pics.
Hitting the reset button in desperation only went so far. I would have gotten blisters on my index finger if I didn't figure out a way to keep my computer running fast and strong.
I was very motivated to find a fix. Without having to re-install Windows or pay somebody $2-300 or more every time my computer would lock up.
What to Do When the Mouse Won't Move and the Monitor Goes Blank
I stayed up until the wee hours researching a "cure."
I started tinkering around. Some things worked, some things didn't. I kept at it - even worked on some friend's computers. They all trusted me. I was the resident "techie" in the neighborhood. I'd been working with computers for many years.
I spent several months testing virtually every product on the market I could find. I was determined to find a solution that my "computer-illiterate" friends would find simple.
This is what I set out to do - and what you can now do too:
Boost Performance
Increase Safety
Minimal Cost
Simple to Do
In the least amount of time.
I needed to know that anyone could get their computer running fast without it freaking them out.
Most PC users let problems linger. The thought of dealing with computer issues freezes most people up! How much of this describes how you handle your PC problems:
Your computer repeatedly crashes or freezes and panic sets in - but all you know to do is restart and restart again
Those frustrating error messages keep showing up - and you just keep hoping they go away.
It takes a lot longer than it used to for programs to load - you've tried reloading the software but nothing changes
You have problems losing files. Now the rage is setting in. Look out below!
Worse yet - You get the greatly feared "Blue Screen of Death." It's too late. Might as well send your PC to that computer junk pile in the sky.
The good news in all of this - yes, there is good news - it doesn't have to be this way anymore. You can have a lightning fast super safe computer again - as if you were taking it out of the box for the first time.
Like Archimedes, that great Greek Engineer, I soon found myself shouting "Eureka! I've got it!" But unlike him, I wasn't running around naked at the time
And so, after months of rigorous research and testing, I am pleased to introduce:
"FastPCSecrets"Speed Up Your PC with the Easy and Instant Cure to Computer Crashes, Freezes and Foul-Ups
Speed. Performance. Power. Words you want associated with your computer. And for the most part, when you first buy a computer, it's true.
Not for very long though.
After just 30 days, over 90% of computers are infected with malicious Spyware and Adware. And if you're lucky enough to remove some of these rude invaders, broken Windows Registry errors are almost always left behind.
Important: The Windows Registry stores critical information and settings for all the software, hardware, files, and preferences on your Windows PC. These files become corrupted as software and hardware is added and removed from your computer. And that's before you factor in the problems of Spyware and Adware.
Imagine the glut of useless bits and bytes clogging up your computer's insides after months and years of use. Not a pretty picture. Most computers have hundreds of errors on them and a sizable pool of potentially dangerous files.Problems with the Windows Registry are a common cause of Windows crashes and error messages.
So much for performance and power. Until you apply the FastPCSecrets cure.
What about Speed?
Does your computer feel like it’s running slower than a Hotrod during rush hour? No, it's not your imagination. It is running slower.
Even after you install upgrades, your "new" PC will soon run just as it did before – slow!

The reality is not something the "paid by the hour" computer tech guys want you to know. Nor do the manufacturers. After all, they want to you buy, buy, buy and spend, spend, spend!

As computers age, they will get slower - if not regularly serviced and maintained.

With FastPCSecrets, Your computer will get faster and never appear to age!

Important: Hundreds and even thousands of computer "glitches" and corrupted files pile up over time. Doesn't matter if you're a light user or a heavy user. It's like putting molasses in the gears of a finely tuned race car.
Can I hear you say, "putter, putter.....?!!"
It's not long before you're staring at the monitor waiting for your computer to restart. That's if you're one of the lucky ones. Those corrupt files and glitches don’t just make your PC run slow - they can also rip your computer to shreds.

Your Computer Hard Drive can crash at any given time - and it's usually the worst of times. If one of these little time-bombs get triggered, it's Ka-Boom! Say good bye to your most precious files.

Emails, Digital Photos and Songs, Financial Records, Text Documents - Poof!

Never to be seen again.

If you apply the FastPCSecrets cure . . .this can all be avoided.

"I can see a HUGE difference in my computer speed."
Hello Tiit,
I just got done viewing your fast pc videos and applying everything to my computer and in a word...WOW! Your step by step guide and easy to follow videos made the whole process so simple. I can see a HUGE difference in my computer speed. No more freezing up and lagging that was bugging me for the last few months.
Thanks again for the great advice that you provide,
Greg SchuelerLas Vegas P.S. The videos were very impressive and well made.

Put the FastPCSecrets System At Your Command!
Imagine for a moment you own brand new finely tuned Yellow Lamborghini. Hey, it's ok to dream.

Years go by without an oil change. No new brake pads or spark plugs. Needs a valve job. The tires are bald and the shocks are worn out.

One day you turn the key - and nothing. The engine just won't turn over. Or maybe you're on the highway and there's no get up and go. Imagine that - your expensive ride is sputtering like a used Ford Pinto. (No offense Ford Pinto owners!!)

Not a very fun ride anymore. Not a very fast ride anymore.

Your PC is no different.

The longer you use your computer without regular maintenance, the greater the risk of a total crash.

At the least, you're stuck with a computer that runs at a snail's pace.
You'll Be Amazed and Relieved
Important: You don't want to over-tweak your computer! Each computer is different - A slight performance boost for one PC can create a conflict for another. You want minimum tweak and maximum performance boost. Which is exactly what the FastPCSecrets system will do for your computer.
Remember that pile of poisonous files? Gone.

Adware and Spyware? Gone.

Follow my step-by-step system and say Good Bye to harmful threats, viruses and worms. And say Hello to a computer with the Speed, Performance and Power that you expected on the day you bought your PC.

Oh, and as an added bonus, after easily and instantly boosting your PC's health:

You'll feel a sense of relief that comes with knowing your files are safe and your computer is clean!
Your stress, frustration and computer rage disappear.
You'll be grinning ear to ear as you notice how smoothly your computer is running
Suddenly you're spending less time at the keyboard and more time on the surfboard. Or whatever you like to do for fun!
Your productivity goes through the roof. Everything loads quickly, from email to software to internet browsing!
And at the end of the day - Peace of Mind. As MasterCard likes to say, Priceless!
Here's How it All Works

When you buy FastPCSecrets, you'll receive a step-by-step series of Videos that guides you through everything. From Debugging to Defragging to Defusing the most harmful viruses and files.

You'll learn how to eliminate the major and minor threats to your computer's safety and speed. Easily and Instantly!

There are 13 modules, each delivered in high-quality professionally produced Video Format along with a PDF transcript of each Video. They are set in the exact order to give you the very best results.

In about an hour your PC is pretty much brand spankin new. From there on, you'll get a daily, weekly and monthly maintenance schedule designed to keep your PC running at peak performance. For as long as you own it.

In a hurry? I have created another sequence of steps you can take that shortens the timeframe even further. It gives you a big performance boost very quickly, though the full diagnostic is recommended the first time you use this program.

Important: You only need to run through the full program once. After that, it's super-easy to maintain your computer and requires less than a few minutes a day! Even my most computer-illiterate friends call this program "A Snap!" It's really that easy.

Debug. Defrag. Defuse. Piece of Cake!

Let me run a couple of "did you knows" by you before I give you a look inside . . .
Did you know when re-installing Windows, data gets lost? Different programs inside Windows keep their files and settings in different places. No matter how careful you are to back things up, count on losing something. And of course, it's always the most important. Murphy's Law again!
My system is designed to keep Windows in Good Health. 9 times out of 10 - the FastPCSecrets System will "heal" your computer when there's a problem. Or your money back!
Did you know your brand name anti-virus program could be slowing down your computer? I've tested all the top brands and taken the guesswork out of knowing which one to use. Bonus - I've got one for you to use that's Free!
You don't need to spend valuable time testing different programs. No need to read all the reviews and visit the forums. I've done it for you.
Did you know most of the other products out there focus on only one problem area? Products like "PC Doctor" and "Registry Fixer" are decent products. But they leave a lot of your PC's speed potential unused.
FastPCSecrets covers all the important areas so your computer will perform at maximum speed. You leave your computer at risk if you settle for less.
Did you know that the "one-size-one-click-fits-all" solution is dangerous? These programs can damage your Windows installations. I have tested many of these. The safety of your data can be compromised.
FastPCSecrets is like having your own private computer technician on call. Each step is carefully designed to keep your computer safe while eliminating all the junk. Leaving you a happy and super fast computer!
"I will be recommending your site to my students"
After watching all the videos I have to say hats off to you and
The videos are of high quality and easy to follow. I will be recommending your site to my students to use to speed up and maintain their computer in top form.
Great job!
"I was so pleased with the increase in speed . . ."
I disabled Skype in my start-up menu. I was so pleased with the increase in speed that I deleted the program completely!!
A great place to find out how your computer works (or doesn't!)
The Method to End the Madness

Computer problems are maddening! With FastPCSecrets, you gain the upper hand in the battle against nasty viruses and computer plagues. These rogue agents seek to destroy the life of your PC. They cause your computer to Crawl! And in the process, make a living hell out of your life as well.

I say, No More! And now you can say "No More" too!

Here's that look inside the FastPCSecrets System:

After a brief intro in Module 1, you'll begin with killing off the viruses and the worms. With the Free Anti-Virus tool included in my program, you will draw a line in the sand. And in the Silicon Chips! Module 2 takes you through installation and execution of the best Anti-Virus software available today.
Second line of attack- we go after the Spyware and the Adware. These files are ruthless! They target unsuspecting computer users and make your PC their playground. Pop-ups, pop-unders, secret data collection, unsolicited advertising and a host of other uninvited guests start calling your PC their home. Module 3 makes mince meat of these files and scrubs your PC clean!
System Restore - Module 4 walks you through this all-important step. Consider this your "Plan B." You absolutely need to know how to put this plan in place. Once you do, you'll feel completely at ease.
Consider Module 5 your Interrogator-in-Chief! Your computer has no choice other than to spill the beans on who and what needs to go. The program included in FastPCSecrets wipes these files off the face of your Computer Map! Using this program on a regular basis is vital to your PC's health. Check out what gets removed:
Internet Temp files, Cookies, Cache Files, and URL and Download histories
Windows Temp files and Log files
Unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Shared DLLs, Application Paths, Icons and Invalid Shortcuts
Removes temp files and recent file lists (MRUs) from many apps including Media Player, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, MS Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinAce, WinZip and many more...
And it's 100% Spyware FREE!
Module 6 will knock your socks off! You will learn a fast and easy way to tune up your "starter" processes. Many programs do not need to launch when you start up your PC. This is insider know-how that keeps the hourly guys in the money - but they're not getting yours!
Here are two screen shots taken from inside Module 6. You can remove application processes from the Start Menu simply and safely.
In this example, I discovered that the program "Sound Man" did not have to launch everytime I started my PC. The "N" tells me it is safe to remove this program from the Start Menu.
One click of the mouse and I have disabled Sound Man from launching when I start my PC. Now, whenever I need to use this program, I just pull up my Programs Menu and select. It's as simple as that.
End Result - More Speed and Better Performance All Around!
In Modules 7-11 you will learn how to remove Unused Applications, Unused Windows Components, Unused User Accounts and Old Restore Points. Simple steps that further reduce computer clutter.
Defragging is made simple in Module 12. This all-important function is often overlooked or taken for granted. Most PC users are terrified of doing anything to their computers other than typing on the keypad. You will "wow" your friends with your newfound computer confidence and expertise!
Module 13 is a recap and a schedule of recommended daily, weekly and monthly tasks. In just minutes a day, in just minutes each week and every month, your computer will stay in Peak Condition. Like a champion athlete, your PC can now go the distance - time and time again!

"I would recommend these videos to anyone who is having trouble with a slow PC."
I found 3150 errors to be fixed. It took four runs of the software to get rid of it. That was 121.5MB, according to the screen. Getting rid of all that rubbish made a MASSIVE difference to the whole operating system. Literally, every time I did anything, whether it was opening a file or a program, saving anything, selecting a folder, the machine responded quicker than it did before.
The spyware tool did a fantastic job. I run Spybot S&D and Lavasoft Ad Aware SE every day, yet this tool found 151 instances of spyware. I only found three programs I could disable at start up. Even that seems to have made a difference. Here I had already done this before, so there wasn't a lot to change.
I would recommend these videos to anyone who is having trouble with a slow PC. There has been a very noticeable difference in the speed of my PC since I followed these instructions, even though I had done parts of this before. The tools you need are all either free or on your machine already. This is a concise, logical step by step approach that will work to ensure that anyone's PC will run as smoothly as possible.
Andrew Wardle

FastPCSecrets is 100% Safe.
And Guaranteed.

Everything that is included in your FastPCSecrets program has been researched, tested and then tested again. The steps you'll be taking are the exact steps the tech guys charge you serious $$ for when your computer goes down.

Plus, Module 4 gives you a way to make sure your computer can be restored should you ever need it. You're always one click away from beginning over with everything in place the way it was before you started.

And let's not forget this - FastPCSecrets will not install any Spyware or Adware on your computer. Ever. Sadly, some of the other programs out there do this. Please, don't fall prey to their schemes!

At the end of the day, you have my Unconditional 100% Money-Back Guarantee to fall back on. You can read more on this below.

But first, I want to answer the question that I am fairly certain is on your mind:
What are These Secrets Going to Cost Me?

Some things are hard to put a price tag on. Memories for example. Or Peace of Mind.

What would it be worth to know your precious memories, in the form of Digital Photos and Videos are safely tucked away in files on your computer? Files you know are safe and can always be found.

What would it be worth knowing your vital personal information, financial records, and private diaries and documents would always be protected from prying eyes? Or vicious attempts to steal your identity.

The reality of our Digital Age is that your precious computer files and digital memories, your private financial data and records are at risk. Every day!

And whether we like it or not, PC's create corrupted files on a regular basis. It's just part of the "wear and tear."

The Virus Writers unfortunately don't sleep either. Seems like every other week some new Virus threatens to tear down Western Civilization. What's wrong with these guys?!

(That's a rant for another time!!)

The truth is this: Protecting and maintaining your PC is not a one-shot deal. It is no longer an option to do nothing.

So, the questions I want you to ask yourself are these:
Are you going to wait for your computer to crash before you take action?
Will you fork over hundreds of dollars to the Repair Guy every time an error message or a corrupted file brings your computer to a dead stop? Knowing you'll have to fork it over again and again?
Or will you make the smart decision to invest in a program that is guaranteed to speed up your computer, boost performance, protect your memories and give you peace of mind once and for all?
Before you answer, and before I tell you the cost, I am going to make it real easy for you to make the smart decision. I will take on all the risk! And no, that's not a typo!

If you are not 100% thrilled with how smooth and fast your computer runs, if you're not 100% confident your most precious files will be safe, if you're not blown away by how easy it is to make all this happen, I will refund your 100% of your money.

My Sure-Fire No-Questions-Asked 100% Risk- Free Money Back Guarantee
Take a Full 8 Weeks to Test Drive the FastPCSecrets System. Watch the Videos. Read the Transcripts.
Debug, Defrag and Defuse the Threats that are on Your Computer Right now.
If you are not 100% blown away by how smooth and fast your computer runs, if you're not 100% confident your most precious files are now safe, if you're not thrilled to no end by how easy it is to make all this happen, I will refund your money.
If after watching all those harmful and malicious files melt away like butter in front of an open fire, You don't repeat the words of my computer-illiterate friends:
"This Program is a Snap!"
Then there is probably something wrong with me and my program and I better go and figure it out.
On this basis, if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply email me and I will refund 100% of your money.
No Questions Asked.

Now here's the best part.

For a Limited Time, As part of a Special Internet Test Promotion, You can Purchase FastPCSecrets at the Introductory Price of just $97 $77 $35!

For less than the price of dinner and a movie, you can be home watching movies on your PC knowing they'll always be there for you to enjoy!

Note: I can't guarantee the price will stay this low for very long. My friends think I'm nuts for not charging more. I think they're right but I still decided to test the introductory price for a limited time.

By the way, I hope you like Free Bonuses.
Because I have Two of them for you When you Purchase FastPCSecrets Today.

That's right. I am not through with you yet. I want you to tell all your friends about FastPCSecrets. I want the whole world to know how to protect their computers from those Virus Bandits.

I want the whole world to Make their Computers Faster than a Speeding Bullet!

And I want you to enjoy the benefits of Lightning Fast Downloads. I want your files "Fort Knox" safe. I want you to enjoy using your computer!

With this in mind, when you purchase FastPCSecrets today, you'll receive the following two bonuses absolutely Free:

Bonus Video and Transcript #1: How to Improve Your File Search Speed

This tool will put some serious spring into your file-searching needs. You will be able to locate any file on your computer with a simple click of the mouse. Without messing up computer performance or speed.

Price: $47 Free!
Bonus Video and Transcript #2: How to Quickly Find and Run Any Program on Your Computer

This is a companion to Bonus #1. Put some performance punch into finding and launching programs. Perhaps you downloaded an eBook viewer. Maybe you loaded up some hobby software or a photo sharing application. The problem - where the heck is it? And what did you name it? Well, wonder no more. In minutes all your programs will be catalogued and ready to access with a simple click of the mouse.

Price: $47 Free!

Make the Decision Today to Double Your Computer Speed, Eliminate Crashes and Freeze-Ups and Zap Away Those Nasty PC Bugs!

Yes, Tiit! I want in on the FastPCSecret System. I want to Speed up My Computer and Protect All my Precious PC Files!!
I understand that when I order today, I'll receive:
The Full Set of 13 FastPCSecret Video Modules
The Full Set of 13 PDF Transcripts of the FastPCSecret Videos
Bonus Video and Transcript #1 - How to Improve Your File Search Speed
Bonus Video and Transcript #2 - How to Quickly Find and Run Any Program on Your Computer
I understand I have 8 Weeks to review the material. If I am not completely satisfied I can request a full refund, no questions asked.
I understand once my order has been completed, I will get instant access to download "FastPCSecrets." Even if it's 2 AM in the morning!

And I realize if I act Today, I'm guaranteed to get everything above for special price of $97 $77 $35

Don't Leave the Speed and Safety of Your Computer To Chance!

You won’t find the “tech repair guy” willing to refund you for his time.The Virus Writers certainly don't care about your family vacation pics or your collection of ITunes.

The time is Now for you to make your computer glitch free, prevent unnecessary freezes, and run as fast as the day you bought it.

The time is Now to put a Protective Shield around your PC making it Impossible for Anyone to Steal your files, your Identity or Your Time.

On behalf of all of the above, your Computer Thanks You!

All the Best,

Tiit Raag

P.S. Let the FastPCSecrets System be your On-Call Computer Repair Angel! Don't let another day or another Error Message stop you from taking command of your PC. You can be enjoying a Super-Fast, Super-Safe and Super-Fun Computer in minutes. Order FastPCSecrets Today!

P.S.S. Your PC will is likely to suffer an untimely death if you neglect to maintain it. Don't let that happen! You have a full 8 weeks to test drive the FastPCSecrets System. If you're not blown away by the results, I'll refund your money. No questions asked. You have nothing at risk and nothing to lose! Order FastPCSecrets Now!http//

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